Shenton Primary School

Empowering and nurturing young minds to achieve excellence

Standards & Achievements

Shenton Primary School children usually make exceptional progress throughout all stages in our school. We continue to achieve results above the National average at the end of Year 6 in all subjects, and are proud of our partnership with parents in this respect.

Many children speak English as a new or additional language, and learn English well.

Every year approximately 35% of our children change. Our International community means that we enjoy learning about each other and about different countries around the world. Previously, many of our new children would not be able to speak English, since 2020 the vast majority of our new children do, and either come from other local schools or have learned English in the country they have travelled from.


Results are presented as the proportion of children who meet expected standards, and the progress that children make.


Here you will find a summary of our test results at the end of Year 6 (eleven year olds). 


Below you will find 2 sets of results - attainment (what the children achieved against the end of Y6 Government expectations) and progress (how much the children have learned since the end of Year 2 to Year 6). As a school, we are allowed to discount children who arrive with limited English language skills in Year 5 or Year 6, to give you fairer comparative information for you to consider.

The progress set of results show how many of our children make expected or better progress than other children Nationally. A score above 0 is above the National average.

This kind of performance information is also available through the Dfe School Performance Tables website - please click here. This site also provides a summary of pupil absence data and financial comparison data.

You can also find further information here which explains what the results mean.