Shenton Primary School

Empowering and nurturing young minds to achieve excellence



At Shenton Primary School our aim is to encourage and develop children’s love of maths through a well-balance and progressive curriculum, that builds from the EYFS to the end of Key Stage 2 National Curriculum outcomes.

Starting in the nursery, our curriculum has been designed so that children can become FLUENT in the fundamentals of maths, develop the skills to REASON and PROBLEM SOLVE by applying their maths knowledge.

Teaching staff are expected to continue their professional development including learning about the aspects of mastery maths in order to deliver coherent lessons which encourage mathematical thinking.

Our daily mastery for teaching maths approach is designed so that ‘no child gets left behind’. The majority of the children move through the curriculum at broadly the same pace, whilst stretching the higher attainers with problems that encourage deeper thinking and helping the less experienced to develop the basic skills they need to succeed.

All children are expected to succeed and make progress from their starting points.

As a school we see oracy as essential and the children are immersed in a maths vocabulary rich environment, with talking for thinking and learning being a key aspect to our lessons.



For more information and support about the Year 4 Multiplication Check, follow the link below:

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check



Our Maths Grids include age related objectives that the children are expected to meet by the end of the academic year. These grids were made by Shenton Primary School's teachers using the National Curriculum and 2018 TAF statements for KS1. The EYFS Grids have been created using the 2021 "Birth to 5 Matters" documents.

The teachers use the grids to ensure coverage of the curriculum and to record what a child is able to do so any gaps in learning can be planned for.

Please see each year group's Maths Grid below:

 EYFS Nursery Maths Grid.docxDownload
 EYFS Reception Maths Grid.docxDownload
 Year 1 Maths Grids.docxDownload
 Year 2 Maths Grids.docxDownload
 Year 3 Maths Grids.docxDownload
 Year 4 Maths Grids.docxDownload
 Year 5 Maths Grids.docxDownload
 Year 6 Maths Grids.docxDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8


Our Calculations Policy below will show you how your child is taught methods at Shenton Primary School. The methods in our policy are progressive and build on the children's prior knowledge of number. When supporting your child, please use the same methods suggested in our policy for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division so they do not get confused. If you are unsure, please come in and talk to us. There will also be parent workshops throughout the year where methods are explained.

Thank you for your continuous support!