Shenton Primary School

Empowering and nurturing young minds to achieve excellence

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

At Shenton Primary School we are committed to providing an appropriate and high quality education for all children including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities which enables them to:
• Achieve their best
• Become confident individuals living fulfilling lives
• Make successful transition to their next phase of education.

We ensure a full curriculum entitlement and access with the aim of maximum integration compatible with meeting individual needs, and the efficient use of resources.
We consider every teacher to be a teacher of every child, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. We have the highest aspirations and expectations for all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs.

At Shenton, we aim to achieve a community where parents and those working in school have a mutual trust and confidence in each other, created through clear, consistent approaches to communication and collaborative working, to enable outstanding outcomes for children with SEND.  We aim to provide all children, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, with a broad, balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible and ensures they are fully included in all aspects of school life and feel equally valued and fully part of the school community.

In line with the the Equality Act 2010, we continue to provide a safe, caring environment of mutual respect where each individual is valued and aim to promote equality of opportunity for disabled people: pupils, staff, parents, carers and other people who use the school.  Please click on the following link for further information about our Disability Equality Scheme . This scheme incorporates the school’s plans to increase access to education
for disabled pupils.

Click on the link to the current SEND Policy and below you will find our SEND Information Report. This will indicate the variety of ways that we at Shenton Primary School identify and support our SEND pupils, to enable them to reach their full potential.

To find further information about the provision that may be offered to a child with Special Educational Needs click on Provision Map.


If you have any concerns about your child and wish to discuss them with us, please make an appointment with our SEND Co-ordinator Ms. Priti Gohil who can be contacted through the school office on 0116 2628778.

Our school intends to link closely and align itself to the Leicester City Authority Local offer. Leicester City is responsible for supporting children identified with more Complex Special Educational Needs.  The services they provide, as well as additional information can be found on their website: for the Local Offer.


The school follows a complaint procedure and this will be followed for any SEND complaints. If you have a query or complaint regarding your child and their special educational need please initially talk to the class teacher/phase leader. This query will then be discussed and resolved or passed on to the SENDCO, Ms Gohil. If you feel this issue has not been dealt with sufficiently or you still need further advice please click here and follow the school's complaints procedure.