New Parents
Welcome to Shenton Primary School.
We are very proud of our school community. Our children have family from all over the world, speak many different languages and follow different religions. Our school curriculum is designed to celebrate diversity as well as similarity, this helps the children to develop a high level of respect as we learn about each other. We hope you find the information you are looking for on this website, and we welcome school visits from new families. School staff speak different languages so please contact us if you have any questions.
Our school continues to look for ways to improve and ensure every child reaches their potential. We work together as a team, the children, you as parents, and us as school staff. Your child is unique, they have their own personality, interests, and will be learning a lot which they are new to. We aim to help your child enjoy learning through the experience of a broad and balanced curriculum.
As a parent, you know your child best, and we use the information you give us to help make sure your child settles quickly and is learning well. Our home-school agreement begins by establishing our basic partnership, but we know that each family, each child is different. If you have any questions or concerns, we are here to help so please come in and talk to us.
We ask you to help your child at home if you can, this is particularly important when your child is learning something they have to remember e.g. spellings, times tables. There is information and videos on this website to help you if you need it.
At school, we teach your child what they need to learn, and if they have achieved lesson objectives we continue to challenge them. If they are learning to speak English we teach them in a way that helps them catch up. If your child has special educational needs or a disability, we ensure we adapt where necessary so that your child has full access to all learning opportunities. Helping your child to achieve their best is our goal.
We also support parents through workshops, and can help you to access other opportunities e.g. English language lessons.
If for any reason your family faces a crisis, we want to make you aware that we may be able to help. We can offer advice and support on financial matters, housing and/or any other social or domestic problems. Please talk to us for more details.
Our School Prospectus will give you basic information about the school day, school uniform and other daily routines. More details can be found in our school policies. Term dates for this academic year can be found here. If you would like to contact us please do, details are at the bottom of this page.
Office opening hours: 8.00am - 3.30pm
Nursery : 8.40am - 11.40am
Reception, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6 : 8.30am-8.45am (Drop Off) - 3:10pm (Pick Up)
Reception : 11.45am - 12.45
Y1, Y2, Y3 & Y4 : 11.30am - 12.30
Y5, Y6 : 12 - 1pm