Shenton Primary School

Empowering and nurturing young minds to achieve excellence

February Newsletter


 Dear Parents & Carers,

    I hope you are well, and looking forward to hearing how well your child has progressed in our upcoming parent-teacher meetings. Around the school, the children are very busy learning in lessons and are having fun with their friends over break times.

    Below is some useful information for you, including upcoming events and some reminders. We are always looking for volunteers to help us on trips so if you or a family member is over the age of 18 and could help, please let us know.

     I am taking the opportunity to wish you all a happy half term, we break up on Friday 14th at 3.10pm and will reopen on Monday 24th February.

If you have any questions or if you think you may need some support, please ask and we will do what we can to help.

With regards,

Ms Gita




Diary Dates

17th - 21st February         - Half Term

6th March                           - World Book Dress Up Day

14th March                         - Red Nose Day

4th April                              - Spring Food Fair

14th - 25th April                - Easter Holidays

5th May                               - May Day Bank Holiday

25th - 30th May                  - Half Term 

Trip Volunteers

 We are recruiting parent volunteers to support our school on trips coming up in the summer term.

We have some exciting trips coming up and would really appreciate parental help to ensure the trips can go ahead and that there is sufficient adult support.

When trips are organised we would contact you to see if you are free, you do not have to join us on every single trip, just when you are available.

It would be amazing to add more parents to our volunteer list as it seems to be very short currently .


Unwanted items

We are sending out recycling bags with your child.  Please donate pre-loved clothing, shoes and other household textiles to support under privileged families and to raise money for our school.

You can use any bag, fill them with all the items you wish to donate and drop them in the green container outside the main hall.

Thank you!


Nursery 2025-2026

If your child is going to be 3 between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022, they will be able to start nursery from September 2025. 

If you have applied for a place at Shenton and have received an email from us confirming that your child has been allocated a place, we will soon be arranging a home visit. 

We no longer have any places available for the next academic year, so if you have not applied and do need a place please ensure that you visit other schools or private nurseries in the area.  You will be able to re-apply for a full time place in Reception.

If you have any questions please come to the office.



School Uniform Reminder

 School uniform lets children know that they are part of one community; it helps to develop respect and to improve behaviour.  It is essential that children come to school in the correct uniform every day.  


Grey or black trousers           

Plain white t-Shirt or polo shirt

Maroon jumper          

Black shoes without logos

Dark coats without logos


Grey or black trouser or Skirt or white shalwar         

Red checked summer dress

Plain white t-shirt or blouse   

Black, white or grey Scarf     

Maroon jumper                      

Dark coat without logos          




Healthy Snacks in School

 Children can bring a snack into school for break time and as we are a healthy eating school can you please ensure that the snack is healthy e.g. fruit, vegetable sticks or cereal bars.

Please do not send chocolates or biscuits or anything similar.  And a reminder we are a 'nut free' school, due to a number of children with allergies, so nothing with nuts please.

After half term we will take any unhealthy snacks from children and return them at the end of the day.

Thank you for your support.



SEND Celebration of Success

At this year’s Local Offer Live we are celebrating the achievements of children and young people 0-25 living in Leicester with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.


Sponsors of the Local Offer Live event and the award ceremony include Leicester City Council, NHS, Leicester City Parent Carer Forum, Leicester Race Course and SDSA


Five award categories have been chosen by young people from the Big Mouth Forum, these are: -

  1. Arts, Media and Music
  2. Good Friend
  3. Positive contribution to society
  4. Shining Star
  5. Sports

Eligibility and Criteria

  1. The awards are open to young people aged 0-25 living in Leicester and only for children with special educational needs and disabilities.
  2. Nominate one young person per form. Each young person will receive a certificate for being nominated.
  3. The young person can be nominated by professionals working with the young person.
  4. If a young person is being nominated for more than one award, please submit a new nomination form for each award.
  5. There will be a separate award for each category. For each category there will be one award for children aged 0 -11 years and one award, for young people aged 12 – 25 years.

How to nominate

The deadline for nominations is the Friday 7th February, 5:00pm.

Please contact the school office for a nomination form and send completed form  to

To request a hard copy of the nomination form please contact Nayna Amlani on 0116 454 4540644