Shenton Primary School

Empowering and nurturing young minds to achieve excellence

October Newsletter



Dear Parents/Carers,

     It will be half term next week and we are looking forward to seeing you at our Parent - Teacher meetings after the break. The children are now settling into routines and are learning new things everyday.

     Below you will find dates of upcoming events for the next half term, a request for any old children's clothes, as well as a variety of other information. I hope you find the information interesting and I hope many of you will be able to help us with some of the different opportunities we have outlined.

    In the meantime we are here as always to work in the best possible way with you, to help your child achieve their very best. Please come and talk to us if you have any questions or concerns.

With regards,

Ms Gita


 Nursery Places

Do you have or know anyone who has a child whose birthday is between 1st September 2020 to 31st August 2021?  Do you know that they are entitled to 15 hours free nursery place?  We have a few nursery places still available so please do contact us.  We are able to offer a fun and stimulating environment with support in all areas of development.

If you have a child who will be 3 before the end of this term and you would like them to start nursery in the new year please come and see us.  This would mean they would still be in nursery for this and next academic year, and will give them a really good start to their educational lives.


Diary Dates

21th - 25th October                - Half Term

29th October                         - Individual and Sibling Photos

29th & 30th October              - Parents Evening

8th November                        - Year 3 Diwali Assembly

8th November                        - Diwali Dress Up Day

15th November                      - Children in Need Dress Up Day

3rd - 9th December               - Book Fayre

17th December                      -  Reception Nativity to Parents

19th December                      -  Christmas Jumper Day

19th December-6th January - Christmas Holidays


Nut Free School

We have a number of children that are allergic to nuts, so can we please remind parents that we are a nut free school. 

If someone has a nut allergy it is not just eating nuts that can cause a severe reaction it can be if the child is in the same area or sitting at the same table.

Thank you for your support.


Relief Mid-Day Supervisors

We are looking for someone who is happy to work on a causal basis, for up to 1.5 hours per day as and when needed to cover staff absences during the mid-day lunch break.  This would include supervising and supporting the children as they eat and play.

You would need a good level of spoken and written English (first aid) and be available to cover at short notice.

If you would like to apply for this casual position please send aa email to Ms Gita, which clearly states why you feel you have the skills to undertake this role, and Ms Gita will get back to you.


Flu Immunisation Information 

from the British Islamic Medical Association


School Uniform Recycling Project

We are looking for any reusable school uniform donations. 

These can be jumpers, trousers, skirts, shirts and even PE kits!

Whether you child has outgrown their school uniform or no longer needs them, we will be happy to take them off your hands.

We will sort and wash all items then distribute them to local families who need a helping hand.

Please drop off any pre-loved items to the main office. Thank you for helping us to help our community!
Also, sometimes children have accidents at school and we need to change some or all of their clothing.  We would be very grateful if you have any clean underwear, jogging bottoms and socks in all ages from nursery to year 6 that you no longer need and can let the school have them.

Thank you for your support!!


Governor Vacancy

We are hoping to recruit a new Parent Governor to join our Governing Body.

The governing body is responsible for both the overall strategic direction of the school and for promoting high standards.

If you have an interest in the school and the welfare of our pupils & community, and have the time and willingness to get involved, you could just be the person we are looking for.   You would need to be able to commit to two termly meetings in the evening from 6pm, and be able to visit the school during the day once or twice a year, too.

Governors are volunteers who give time to benefit the whole school community, and appreciate everything you do for us all.

Please show your interest by sending an email to and Ms Gita will get back to you.


Trip Volunteers

Would you be interested in volunteering to accompany children on school trips?  You will have the opportunity to visit some exciting places.  You will be supporting the children’s learning and keeping them safe under the direction of the teacher or the group leader.  If you are interested and meet the following requirements please come and see Mrs Thakrar in the office:

  • Can speak fluently in English
  • Will show a calm and caring attitude towards the children
  • Will act responsibly at all times putting the children’s needs first, for example ensuring mobile phones are on silent or switched off
  • Will not take photos of own or other children (Safeguarding Policy)
  • Able to help out in any year group
  • Will attend a 10 minute briefing with the teacher before each trip to go over risk assessments, safeguarding and other key information about the trip and the group

We do have a small bank of parents at present and it would be great to add more people to this, if you have any questions please come and talk to us.